IUKL Won Silver Medal at PECIPTA 2017
Monday, 09 October 2017

_Winning team sharing the proud moments at the PECIPTA’17_
“Behavioral of River Stability for Mountain Rivers in Malaysia” is the name of the project that brought home a silver medal for IUKL by Prof. Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin, Dr. Mohd Sofiyan Sulaiman, Ms. Nor Azidawati Haron, Mr. Goh Qui You, and their team leader, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manal Mohsen Abood.
The project competed in the International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA 2017) which was held from 7 to 9 October 2017, at Stadium Tertutup Kompleks Sukan Negeri, Gong Badak, Terengganu. Mr. Mohd Firdaus Ma’as and team leader, Dr. Sylvia Chieng proudly represented IUKL as well in the event with their project, “Production of Bioethanol from Temukut”.
Both teams received grants from the Ministry of Higher Education to participate in PECIPTA 2017, which received involvement from 40 public and private higher learning institutions, as well as seven polytechnics and two community colleges.
PECIPTA is a biannual event organised by MOHE, Malaysia together with a selected local university since 2001. This year the event was hosted by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. The aim of this event is to provide a platform for researchers from institutions of higher learning to showcase their innovative research products and services to the public.
Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (PERINTIS 2016)
Friday, 28 April 2017

The second Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (PERINTIS) was hosted by UNITEN on 16 November, 2016 and officiated by the UNITEN chairman Tan Sri Leo Moggie. PERINTIS is a biennial event that is organised in partnership with the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) and fully supported by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia. The event attracted a total of 141 participants from both private and public universities, and 28 entries from science schools across the nation. The PERINTIS competition, first hosted by Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) in 2014 was established to showcase innovations and inventions from private universities specifically and other institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. With the motto being “BETTER BRIGHTER FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”, this year’s competition managed to bring out the best innovators among students and academics alike that went on to showcase a wide range of cutting-edged innovations at the exhibition.
At PERINTIS 2016, IUKL was represented by two teams from the Faculty of Engineering & Technology Infrastructure (FETI) and a team from the Faculty of Business & Accounting (FBA). Both teams from FETI managed a fantastic job of bringing home silver and bronze medals for their innovations in soil erosion & landslide prediction systems. IUKL’s silver medallist led by Dr. Mohd. Sofiyan Sulaiman showcased an innovation called “Transport of Bed Load Sediment: Local Scale vs Reach Scale” and proved the functional application of predicting accurate riverbank erosions that leads to disastrous flooding. Whereas the team led by Puan Noorbaya Binti Mohd. Salleh demonstrated the successful application of landslide predictions using the new “ROAR” index developed by IUKL’s very own Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Roslan Zainal Abidin. The team from FBA led by Prof. Dr. Noor Saadah Zaina Abidin also clearly managed to excite the crowd despite not winning a medal through their lively interaction with industry players on the effective use of coirs from coconuts. Kudos to all IUKL teams for their fine achievements & a job well done. PERINTIS 2018 is next and will be hosted by the Malaysian Science University (MSU).
14th International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA 2015)
Thursday, 19 May 2016

Two teams from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Infrastructure (FETI) won bronze medals at the 14th International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA 2015) which was held from 4th to 6th December 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and was hosted by the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).
The bronze medals along with certificates of appreciation were conferred to Mr. Amirrullah Maat, Ms. Najiah Adam Tong, led by lecturer, Dr. Nurharniza Abdul Rahman for their project on ‘The Gruffness of Steel Fibre in Concrete Column’ under the Art, Design and Creativity cluster, and for the second winning team, they were awarded for their project titled ‘The Dynamics of Stabilized Earth Block’, under the Manufacturing Technology cluster. This team comprised of Mr. Temple Odimegwu Chimuanya, lecturers, Ir. Tengku Anita Raja Hussin and Ms. Noorbaya Mohd Salleh, the leader of the team.
Pertandingan Rekacita dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (PERINTIS) 2014
Thursday, 19 May 2016

The ‘Pertandingan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (PERINTIS)’ organized by the Research Management Centre (RMC) of Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) in partnership with Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and supported by Ministry of Education (MOE), is a pioneering effort undertaken by Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) to bring together all the private higher education institutions and other educational institutions in Malaysia to reach a common goal which is innovating for a sustainable future. PERINTIS is a biennial competition and IUKL is honoured to host the inaugural edition this year.
The event was officiated by Y.Brs. Dr Zulkifli Mohamed Hashim, Deputy Chief Secretary (Science) as representative for Y.B. Datuk Dr. Abu Bakar Bin Mohamad Diah, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI). Total of 97 groups of inventors were showcasing their products in this competition consisting of IUKL staff and students and external participants from private and public higher education institutions, Polytechnics, MRSMs, Science Secondary Schools and National Secondary schools from all over Malaysia.
International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2014), UNIMAP
Thursday, 19 May 2016

_Team members were sharing the proud moments at International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX2014)_
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) is highly delighted to win the Gold and Silver Awards in this year’s prestigious International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX 2014) organized by Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP). The event was held from 11th to 13th April 2014. This success is another milestone for IUKL in its journey towards reaching excellence in innovation and invention activities.
The objective for IUKL to participate in the i-ENVEX 2014 was to showcase the creativity, knowledge and research skills of its students and staff in creating innovations and inventions that will benefit the society, improve the quality of life and enhance the socio economic well-being of the nation. The products that have been chosen to compete at i-ENVEX 2014 were The Robustness of SteFib Column led by Dr. Nurharniza Abdul Rahman and Reuse of Sugarcane Bagasse as Biosorbent by Mr. Wai Kien Tat.

_Team member was doing the product presentation to the visitors_
The Robustness of SteFib Column received a Gold Award in the category of Building, Construction & Materials while Reuse of Sugarcane Bagasse as Biosorbent received a Silver Award in Agriculture & Environment and Renewable Energy category. Prior to i-ENVEX 2014 participation, both products participated in the internal competition organized by IUKL. Reuse of Sugarcane Bagasse as Biosorbent was awarded with “The Most Promising Inventor” in Infrastructure University Innovation and Invention Competition (IUIIC2012). The Robustness of SteFib Column secured Silver Award at IUIIC2013. We are very pleased that we won the Gold and Silver Awards at i-ENVEX 2014 as it re-affirms the quality of the research products by our young researchers.
Ikon Varsiti – Berita Harian
Friday, 29 April 2016

Berita Harian with the collaboration with The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia organized an event and competition for Higher Learning Institution students in search for the ‘Ikon Varsiti’ (University Icon). The participation was open for all students from any Higher Learning Institution with great achievement in their studies (minimum CGPA must be 3.5 and above) and active in most activities in the institution. myPrinters by Muhamad Azree, Diploma Information Technology has entered this competition through newspaper cutting published in Berita harian newspaper publishing from October 2012. After the first selection process of finding the Top 3 finalists of every category, myPrinters has been selected as the Top 3 participants in the category of ‘Kejuruteraan Teknologi’ (Technological Engineering) competing with 2 post-graduate students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in the category. This selection has been done by the board of juries, Malaysian Professors Board (MPN). Winners were selected based on online voting and paper cut voting. Even though this product was not selected as the winner, the University is proud that this project made it to the final round.

_The team members with their product_
Research Invention, Innovation and Design 2012 (RIID 2012)
Friday, 29 April 2016

_The product ‘MyPrinter’ at Research Invention, Innovation and Design 2012 (RIID2012)_
Silver medal was won for the product ‘MyPrinter’ at Research Invention, Innovation and Design 2012 (RIID2012), organized by UTEM, Melaka from 7th to 8th November 2012. This invention was developed by Muhamad Azree Abd Rahim, Diploma IT student, Suhaila Sardi, Head of Research Management Centre, and Hasnani Hassan as the team advisors. It was another leap towards promoting myPrinters as the first Cloud Printing Service Solutions in Malaysia. This invention was also selected as one of the Top 5 Ideas for Digital Malaysia – Corporate Accelerator Program, organized by Telekom Malaysia, MDeC and StartUpMalaysia.org

_Muhamad Azree explaining the product to the judges_