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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

What you need to know about
Research Management Centre in IUKL
The research centre was established since 2003 with formerly known as Research and Consultancy Unit (RCU) and was further expanded to IKRAM Center of Research & Development (ICRD) in January 2010 to integrate all research activities in the Kumpulan IKRAM group. As an excellence centre, ICRD focused its research activities on the overall needs of the company.
However, the university realized that it needed a more concentrated effort on carrying out high-impact academic research. Thus, the Research Management Centre (RMC) was established on 1st June 2010, to replace ICRD.
The role of the RMC is to strengthen the research management system of the university by intensifying research and consultancy efforts. RMC aspires to be recognized as one of the leading centres for the production of new knowledge in the soft and hard infrastructure niche in Malaysia and eventually establish several excellence centres.
RMC was set up to inculcate a research culture among University staff and to oversee the research activities in University as well as a “one-stop” centre for all research information for the University. RMC is responsible to manage and facilitate research and development activities, intellectual property (IP) creation and management, promotion and exploitation of R&D findings through close collaboration with the government agencies, industries and other universities.
IUKL researchers are committed to engage in collaborative research focused on cross-disciplinary themes with other local and international institution of higher learning. With solid leadership, experienced and dedicated staff, state-of-the-art facilities and our quality system, IUKL is capable of providing professional and expert services in the above mentioned disciplines.

Our Role
In Research Management Unit (RMC)
- To prepare strategic planning on research and development of IUKL
- To coordinate and manage all vetting procedures of research proposals
- To coordinate and monitor all research activities in IUKL
- To promote and nurture research activities in IUKL
- To promote inter-disciplinary and inter-college research activities
- To promote research collaboration with external parties
- To coordinate and liase with research funding agencies
- To promote commercialisation of research products
- To conduct staff development programme in order to enhance research skills and competency