Workshop on Writing for Scholarly Publications
Thursday, 19 December 2019

The Institute of Research and Postgraduate Studies (IRePS), IUKL conducted a full day workshop on “Writing for Scholarly Publications” on 27 July 2018 (Friday) from 8.30a.m. to 5.00p.m. at Auditorium, Block 2, IUKL. We were glad to have Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zaharin Aris, from the Faculty of Environmental Studies, UPM as the invited speaker to share his knowledge and experience in research and publication.
This workshop was open to postgraduate students and academicians from both local and private universities. The workshop attracted 33 academicains from IUKL, 3 from other institutions, and 8 postgraduate students. This workshop was aimed at developing writing skills for scholarly journals. The knowledge gained from this workshop is crucial to encourage them to write and publish quality academic papers in the right journals.

Workshop on Writing for Scholarly Journal @ 23/8/2017
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

As a part of continued effort to improve IUKL’s research publications, RMC had conducted one full day workshop on “Writing for Scholarly Journal” on 23 August 2017 (Wednesday) from 8.30a.m. to 4.30p.m. at Open Lab 2, Block 11, IUKL. Prof. Dr. Normaliza Abd Rahim, from Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, UPM was invited as the honourable guest speaker.
This workshop aimed to develop the step-by-step writing for scholarly journals among IUKL academicians on the academic writing skills. The knowledge gained from this workshop is crucial to encourage them to write and publish quality of academic papers in the right journals. The writing journal workshop had attracted 35 IUKL academicians from various fields to participate.
IUKL Research Retreat 2016
Thursday, 22 December 2016

Participants and Panel Members of the research retreat @ Conference Hall, IUKL 2016.
After being temporarily halted for one year in 2015, RMC continued the effort to organise the IUKL Research Retreat 2016 on 22 December 2016. A total of twenty (20) lecturers from different faculties participated in the retreat. The one-day program was conducted at Conference Hall of IUKL. The objective of the retreat was to guide the participants in producing a well-written research proposal for MOHE’s grants and other sources of funding on a worthy research topic.
RMC was honoured to invite two panel members, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Samsudin A Rahim (UKM) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zaharin bin Aris (UPM) to share their FRGS evaluation tips and experiences in securing grants from MOHE. During the proposal development session, both panels managed to provide constructive comments and advice to the research group members on several of research proposals. The program has imparted the necessary guidelines to the participants in producing a winning research proposal for future submission.
MOSTI eDANA Workshop @ 25/7/2017
Tuesday, 25 July 2017

An announcement had been made via eSciencefund portal regarding the closure of Science Fund and Techno Fund by MOSTI effective from April 2017. Instead, MOSTI has been introducing a total new pre-commercialisation fund called **SMART Challenge Fund** and **GO-Fund** to replace the previous funds. MOSTI has developed their new web-based instrument application through **eDana** online system at [](
A half-day workshop on introducing the new funds and providing guidance to our IUKL’s academicians on application process had been held by RMC on 25 July 2017 (Tuesday) at Open Lab 2, Block 11, IUKL. A speaker from officer of Fund Division of MOSTI, Puan Intan Maslina Ngaimon had come to deliver the talk to about 22 lecturers from fields of Science & Technology in the workshop.
IUKL Research Retreat at Shangri-la Hotel, Putrajaya, 29th December 2014
Monday, 29 December 2014

Participants and Panel Members of the research retreat @ Shangri-la Hotel, Putrajaya 2014
RMC has committed to continuing the effort of organising the IUKL Research Retreat at Shangri-la Hotel, Putrajaya on 29th December 2014. A total of twenty-four lecturers joined the workshop in preparing fifteen research proposals for MOHE’s grants (i.e. FRGS, PRGS & LRGS) and MOSTI’s funds. RMC was honoured to invite two panel members, Prof. Dr. Hasanah Mohd. Ghazali (UPM) and Prof. Dr. Ruzy Suliza Hashim (UKM) to share their experiences in securing grants from external funding bodies as well as providing guidance and advice on improving the research proposals.
IUKL Research Workshop at Mahkota Hotel, Malacca, 5th – 6th December 2013
Friday, 06 December 2013

All the participants of the research workshop @ Mahkota Hotel, Malacca, 2013
The IUKL Research Workshop was held at Mahkota Hotel, Malacca from 5th – 6th December 2013. A total of twenty-seven lecturers joined the workshop in preparing sixteen research proposals. This time RMC managed to invite four panel members from different fields from UPM through the assistance of RMC UPM.
Research Workshop at Avillion, Port Dickson, 29 – 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Participants and panel members deep in discussion at the research workshop, Avillion, Port Dickson, 2012
The Research Workshop was held at Avillion, Port Dickson from 29 to 30 November 2012. Thirty-seven lecturers participated in the workshop. Five panel members from UPM and one from UKM were the facilitators at the workshop. Research proposals for applications to the Research Acculturation Collaborative Effort (RACE), FRGS, ERGS and PRGS were refined and made ready for submission.
Designing Research Proposal for Grant Application, 13 February 2012
Monday, 13 February 2012

Prof. Sr. Ir. Suhaimi Abdul Talib giving the talk to the participants of the Designing Research Proposal for Grant Application Workshop, IUKL, 2012
Research workshops were held to provide an avenue for researchers investigating various topics to present their work and receive feedback from selected panel members. The goal was to produce research proposals that can secure research grants from MOHE and other sources of funding. The first workshop, Designing Research Proposal for Grant Application, was conducted on 13 February 2012. The guest speaker was Prof. Sr. Ir. Suhaimi Abdul Talib, Assistant Vice Chancellor (Development, Facilities, Management and ICT), UiTM. Sixty-six staff members attended the workshop.